…obviously Alex needs a new car! Specifically a red BMW All-New 3 Series
A commercial, titled DRIVEN BY DESIR3, has been conceived, produced and directed by our young Delta Bohemian friend Alex Manning, and it has been selected as a Finalist in BMW of North America’s 0-5.9 second video contest.

Cinematographer Alex Manning. Courtesy of Alex ManningBMW is introducing an ALL-NEW 3-SERIES vehicle and they have opened up their marketing to the public with a contest. The general rules are as follows:
Technical and Creative Requirements:
- Entry must be submitted in a format and file size accepted by YouTube or Facebook.
- Create an original video that shows how much you desire the all-new BMW 3 Series.
- Language: All entries must be entirely in English.
- Running time: Maximum video length of 5.9 seconds, including any credits. Entries longer than 6.0 seconds are subject to disqualification in the Sponsor’s and Contest Administrator’s sole discretion.
- Music: Only music owned or created by Entrant is allowed in the Entry. Note, if Entrant is named as a Potential Finalist, proof of music ownership will be required. Failure to provide requested information will lead to disqualification.
Submission Period: Start 9:00:00 am February 17, 2012. End 11:59:59 pm March 9, 2012
Sponsor Selection of Finalist Videos: Start 9:00:00 am March 12, 2012. End 5:00 pm March 19, 2012
Notification and Clearance of Potential Finalists: Start March 20, 2012. End 12:00 Noon March 26, 2012
Public Voting Period: Start 9:00:00 am March 27, 2012. End 11:59:59 pm April 9, 2012
Winner Announced: On or about April 13, 2012
Alex, young filmmaker and cinematographer at Elements Studio, and friend of the Delta Bohemian, entered the contest. What was Alex’s motivation? Alex needs a new car. Obviously!
CLICK HERE to watch and VOTE on Alex’s DRIVEN BY DESIR3 commercial!
REQUIRES FLASH! Not viewable on iPhone.
Use your desktop or laptop computer.
This kid is gifted.
Watch the other 29 finalists, too. Alex’s is the best. It is outstanding and sizzling HOT.
If you agree that Alex produced the best commercial given the above Technical and Creative Requirements, PLEASE GO VOTE FOR ALEX’S VIDEO every day until April 9th and TELL YOUR FRIENDS about it. SHARE it on Facebook. TWEET it. Go out in the street and SCREAM it.
How good will it feel if we all help this fine young man win?
Pssst. Alex. May I go riding with you in your new red BMW? mmh
See earlier post on the Delta Bohemian about Alex and his family → “Manning Family Visits the Mississippi Delta“
Off the chain! Insane! Alex, Your roll has just begun! Kudos dash! pw