Beatle Mania concert poster on the Grand Lawn at the Cutrer Mansion
Clarksdale, Mississippi
Three local gifted musicians will be treating concert goers and lawn sitters to an hour and forty five minutes of Beatle Mania music beginning at 6:00 pm on Friday, July 17th. The musicians are Walt Busby, Bo Jones and Gramm Phillips. These guys are good! Very good!
Advance tickets are only $5 for purchase at Cat Head, Oxbow, Yazoo Pass and the Cutrer Mansion in Clarksdale. $8 on Friday at the venue.
Take a blanket, lawn chairs, coolers and bring the young ones under 14 – they get to enjoy the concert for free!
Grab your spot starting at 5:30pm.
Call Jen Waller at 662-645-3555 if you have any questions.
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