Alice Hasen photo by Alec Jacobsen
By Poor William
VIDEOS in post
The Delta draws a multitude of people, mostly tourists who love the blues in the birthplace of the blues, but we also draw folks for many other reasons.
We have some serious socioeconomic and educational issues here and are fortunate to have Teach For America (TFA) vested in helping us out. TFA picks some of the best and brightest college grads from topnotch universities. They vet and train them well, then provide ongoing training as they are hired by local school districts as regular certified instructors. These TFA cohorts make a demonstrable difference in the lives of the children they co-labor with locals to teach.
One of the many exceptional TFA cohorts is Alice Hasen, who earned BA’s from Yale in French and Music. She plays violin and flute, and worked for three years here serving as Band Director and Music Instructor for Coahoma County Jr/Sr High School. Last year she started being the Worship Leader at First Presbyterian Church in Clarksdale in addition to playing in several bands, one called The Blackwater Trio–a local and tourists fav.
Alice Hasen is a multi-gifted, kind soul. She is a fantastic violinist, fiddler, flutist, teacher, worship leader, human being and now we find out she writes beautiful poetry off the cuff.
Thank you, Alice. You are a blessing to the Mississippi Delta.
Enjoy Alice’s poem sent to her Praise and Worship Team at First Presbyterian beckoning them to attend practice.
T’was the eighth day of September
On an evening fair and sweet
Said the maestro, “Let’s remember,
Where and when we said we’d meet.
“When the labors of your days are done
And bells sound out five-thirty,
That’s when the fun has just begun,
So let’s get our hands dirty!
“It’s the Praise Team that I want so dear
To hear in all their glory.
They’ll please the most cantankerous ear
As they tell the age-old story.”
The singers hearkened to her words
And Lo, they gathered round
The pianist’s scales and fulsome chords
Began the lovely sound.
Then, adding to the joyful noise
An old, well-loved guitar
Rang out with vigor, vim and poise
Its notes like evening stars.
The voices rose to heights of glee
The instruments entwined
The truth in every melody
Laid bare and clear to find.
The chorus rang throughout the vault
It couldn’t have been finer
And then came softly to a halt
(T’was nearing time for dinner.)
The violin was put away
The keys and strings were silenced.
And all looked forward to Sunday;
To worshiping His Highness.
They headed home with happy hearts
And lyrics in their heads
The day thus ends just as it starts:
With pillows and soft beds.
Oh! To hear such harmonies
Such heavenly delights.
I’d happily give all monies
To have been there that night.
But, woe is me, I’m just the bard
Who, lonely, pens the rhyme.
Dear reader, you may play the part
Of being there this time.
You, who counts the lucky star,
May gather in the eve.
To join your voices, near and far
Together in belief.
Together you can sing the song
Of all that’s fair and true.
Of Heaven, where we all belong.
They’ll all be there… will you?
Alice Hasen
Visit AliceHasen.com for more.
[youtube width=”600″ height=”375″]https://youtu.be/wS2lbN0j52c[/youtube]
[youtube width=”600″ height=”375″]https://youtu.be/m0aCJBVjtX8[/youtube]
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