Poor William is Killin Snakes in the Mississippi Delta. This is a copperhead he killed while chopping.
CLARKSDALE, Mississippi
During the summer, I chop! I chop weeds and I kill snakes—both kinds—real and unseen in the Mississippi Delta! One cannot chop weeds in row crops next to the proverbial and always present turn row canal and be too afraid of snakes. Canal is a bit of a stretch in the Delta, but most fields have some kind of stagnant or irrigation water nearby. And most little water sites have snakes, turtles and frogs. Vivid reminders that God loves slimy green things too!
I do what few others want to do, value, or can even imagine being a good thing: I chop chemical resistant weeds during the hot-as-hades-summer months, and I love it. I ain’ just killin’ nutrient sucking, noxious and obnoxious weeds for the farmer; I am killin’ snakes up in my noggin! After a long day of visceral battle on a personal level with mares’ tail, pigweed, coffee bean plants and wild cotton, my head is a bit clearer, or is it? Well, a Nair-do-well Delta Bohemian gots to do what he gots to do, and my trusty shovel—the VIPER—is just the implement to kill snakes, both kinds…y’all have a good day…pw
If you like, go read about The Pobreian and watch him demonstrate his skills with The Viper. CLICK HERE

Mississippi Delta turn row irrigation ditch
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