MC of The Mosquito night at New Roxy Randall Andrews
Clarksdale, Mississippi
“By popular demand we are going to host another Mosquito spoken word event. We’ve got cold beer, wood to burn and the funkiest tiki bar in town. Come see our latest improvements and say goodbye before we fly home on Thursday.” — Robin Colonas, NEW ROXY
The uber-cool New Roxy Theater in the New World District located downtown Clarksdale had its final official/unofficial event—ain’ nothin’ ever final in the Mississippi Delta until its final—Return of the Mosquito.

A rainy night at the New Roxy in Clarksdale
Robin Colonas and hubbie William Laidlaw, owners and expanders of the New Roxy, held another free event with the assistance of John Magnusson and Randall Andrews. Robin and William are heading back to the Northwest for the winter, but will return by Juke Joint Festival in April 2015.
Folks, the New Roxy is an example of innovation, restoration, blood, sweat, tears, and is likely the coolest, slightly open-air venue in the universe. I kid not! Located on Issaquena Avenue in what was just a few years ago a dilapidated, roofless, run-down theater of once great importance, Robin and William have combined their own hard-earned money with grant monies suitably appropriated.

A rainy night at the New Roxy in Clarksdale
They have done almost all the work themselves, now having two stages, primo lighting, well-engineered acoustics, an apartment upstairs with multi-levels of living and grooving space, and a wonderful tiki-style bar serving cold beer and set ups. This place rocks!
The first Mosquito was held a few weeks ago in the same locale. MC Randall Andrews has facilitated both spoken word events and has provided anecdotal stories of Delta doin’s worth retelling.
Clarksdale Press Register’s own Jesse Wright has regaled with two personal, deeply felt stories: one about a tough time in the Peace Corps and this time with a sad, humorous, visceral tale of love had, gone bad, and ultimately made okay! Eric Stone, Clarkdale transplant and author, has participated in both Mosquitos, reading his own writings and tales of adventure. I recited Soggy Sweat’s famous Whiskey Speech a few weeks ago; last night I read a short story I wrote for the Tennessee Williams Festival in 2008, about an encounter at Cutrer Mansion. Two superb additions to the Return of the Mosquito: My fine, talented, wonderfully theatrical wife, Magical Madge Marley Howell and Paul Wilson, owner/operator and golden voice of WROX Radio in Clarksdale.

Performer Eric Stone at The Mosquito night at New Roxy
Madge has put together a compilation giving the reader/watcher a taste of what happens in Clarksdale when the air is brisk, the beer is cold, the avant-gardes are inspired, the fire is dancing, and my Mama is in tha house. There is an unspoken agreement among the Howells that I shall not mention their names on the Delta Bohemian® or there will be hell to pay, but Poor William’s Mama has a lot of cool in her and I have got to give her props.

Performer WROX owner Paul Wilson at New Roxy Mosquito night
She was the de facto Grand Dame of the night’s event. What particularly touched me was the balance struck among the on-stage orators when it came to saying what they planned on telling while apologizing to Mama Jane prior to telling what bawdy things needed saying! That is the heart of the Delta Bohemian®!

Mama Martha Jane Howell and Poor William at the New Roxy in Clarksdale
Please enjoy Magical Madge’s video compilation, intended to tease ya to come out for the next Mosquito Returns Again…Vaya con Dios, Robin y Guillermo! pw
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