B Fikes and Corinne Vance in Tupelo. Photo by Scott Ramsey
By Corinne Vance
(Oxford, Mississippi)
I am a true and true, down to the bone, no question about it, girly girl. Sports have simply never been my strong suit. I was a good cheerleader and I loved gymnastics but anything beyond the “sports” that call for skirts and pointed toes have never come naturally to me. I’ve been fine with that, until recently, when I started noticing that my metabolism may not be enough anymore.
I have been blessed with a naturally fit figure. I have always had a small waist. But lately my thighs seem to be less content with my cookie consumption and my monthly 15 minute walk and wearing heels to work isn’t doing the trick anymore. So now, what to do?
Being active is one of the top things on my boyfriend’s priority list. B, that’s his nickname, plays at lease 2 sports a day. (If I manage to work out once a week for two consecutive weeks I feel very proud of myself.) Whether it is golf, tennis, basketball, or soccer, he is going to be doing some type of sports activity. More often than not, he will play three sports in one day and he enjoys every minute of it!
How do I face this challenge of changing my entire lifestyle? I have to make a conscious effort, write multiple notes to myself, and aim to break a sweat every day.
Sometimes I feel like I am the only one. In a town like Oxford, Mississippi, it is impossible to drive 100 yards down the road and not pass a runner or a woman pushing a stroller while jogging. To make me feel even more pathetic, every woman that comes in to Amy Head on Mondays when I work has on adorable athletic wear and says something like “Sorry I look so terrible; I just left the gym,” or “I probably look awful. I decided to run here after morning Pilates.”
Is this some kind of rite of passage I forgot to go through? Will I one day be one of those girls that just goes for a morning run? Will exercise ever be part of my daily routine without requiring having to mentally prepare myself? Will this come with age? I am not sure yet, but I have started to try and steer my lifestyle in that direction with an extremely easy work out plan.
I found this plan on Pinterest and it seems perfect. The plan is very simplistic and does not require any equipment. It is based around just doing something, ANYTHING, every day to promote a healthy life. I have missed some days already, mainly due to schoolwork, but I am hoping this will start to feel more natural every day, for my thighs sake!
Visit my THINKING THIN Pinterest Board. Maybe you too will find some inspiring ideas there. 🙂
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