By Poor William VIDEOS and PHOTO GALLERY What do ya get when you cross a river rat, civil engineer, helper and re-supplier of river paddlers passing through Vicksburg, Calvin & Hobbes aficionado and an all-around nice guy? Well, you get some wicked cool photos and videos of flora, fauna, and killa sunsets! That’s what! Delta […]
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John Ruskey Lectures Delta Psi Fraternity at Ole Miss
February 16, 2015 1 Comment

By MAGICAL MADGE and GUEST BOHEMIAN BRAXTON BARDEN PHOTOS and SEVERAL VIDEOS and SPECIAL LINK NEAR BOTTOM Was I reading my email correctly….? Quapaw Canoe Company‘s John Ruskey was speaking at a fraternity house at Ole Miss? Yes! Just so happened my wheels were taking me in close proximity to the campus that same day and hour. This […]
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